Year Two is such a special year for our pupils. The natural transition from Year One leads the children to the culmination of their life in Early Years, with all the benefits but expectations which are encompassed within this year … and they are still only 6/7 years of age!
Our Year Two pupils are expected to set a standard of behaviour and conduct for their younger peers to look up to. The children respond so positively to this extra sense of responsibility. Leading parts in our superb Nativity (West End style!) production, looking after younger pupils, monitor duties each day are but a few of their achievements.
The Year Two classroom is bright and spacious with a clear study area but also an attractive ‘quiet’ area. The summer term includes the opportunity for our Year Two pupils to start swimming.
Year Two is a ‘bridge’ leading from the Early Years to the new exciting challenges awaiting in the Prep department. During the course of this academic year the children have been encouraged to develop a more independent and positive approach to their learning, to take pride in their work and its presentation, to ‘have a go’ and achieve their full individual potentials. A super year for both the teachers and children!