Howe Green House School > Open Morning Registration Open Morning Registration Our next Open Morning will take place on Wednesday 25th September, from 9am to 11am. Tour our wonderful facilities, talk to our amazing staff and discover all that Howe Green House School has to offer. Register your interest below Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Parents’ name *Contact email *Contact phone numberChild’s name *Child’s DOBEntry year group *Proposed start date *Where you heard about us:---Word of mouthInternet searchSocial mediaOpen Morning bannersFlyersManuden and BurdenGreat Hallingbury HighlightsGreat NotleyGreat Dunmow Theatre ProgrammeThe LinkLavers and Matching NewsPuckeridge NewsPelham’s Community MagazineVillage LifeParish News (The Rodings)Saffron Walden ReporterDunmow BroadcastOther – please specifyIf Other Please SpecifySubmit