To provide our children with the opportunities to achieve their academic potential within a family environment where they feel valued, fulfilled, confident and emotionally literate. Our children need to grow as caring and responsible citizens, who in the fullness of time will make the world a better place.
In order to achieve the above, the following aims are of paramount importance:
- We must value everyone; children, colleagues and parents for the unique people that they are.
- We must develop compassion, tolerance, empathy and co-operation in our children.
- We must encourage our children to look beyond themselves in order to develop spiritually and creatively.
- We must first believe in ourselves and encourage children to believe in themselves.
- Learning means growing and acknowledging our strengths and weaknesses.
- We must encourage our children to set goals, take risks, make decisions and develop their confidence to change their thinking, when necessary, in order to achieve goals.
- We must believe that all things are possible.
- We must encourage children to give of their best at all times and not to be content to give less.
- We must praise our children for their efforts.
- We must acknowledge that the quality of education that we give to our children will be a determining factor to how their lives unfold.
- To acquire knowledge and to use it wisely is a powerful force.
Creating Opportunities.. Realising Potential Living Life to the Full!